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What Would Love Say?

We long for authentic connection, safety, and loving relationships, but healing requires us to access our emotional body—a place where painful memories often reside, making us hesitant to explore it. To heal and connect, we need a bridge that guides us to our emotions and each other.

What Would Love Say? is that bridge, providing eight Love Languages to help you access your emotions and spirit with compassion, clarity, and easy-to-follow practices. By learning how to reach the parts of yourself that have been isolated or rejected, you’ll discover how to engage with others on a deeper level, becoming a source of safety and light—for yourself and those around you.

We are our own salvation, and together, we are one another’s salvation. In a world where fear and isolation can no longer be our default, it’s time to embrace our true design: to love.

Free Meditations!

The embodiment practices outlined in the book are included in the appendix for your reference. If you prefer an audio format, you can follow along with these guided meditations.  

To get the most out of these practices, I recommend reading the book first.