“The most loving thing you can do for yourself and the world is to heal yourself”
I invite you to take this journey with me.
What Would Love Say?
Alex Gil’s latest book, “What Would Love Say?” provides eight Love Languages to help you access your emotions and spirit with compassion, clarity, and easy-to-follow practices.
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“Becoming Present and Grounded”
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A holistic approach to healing
We will explore the foundations of energy and health - breath, hydration, diet, sleep, and movement. Learn how to live with vitality and develop a clear mind so you can access the resources necessary to create the changes you want.
We will explore thoughts and beliefs blocking you from feeling authentic joy, love, freedom, vitality, and abundance. Learn how your mental patterns and the meanings you assign to life and situations are causing stress and suffering.
We will explore your overall emotional state and old negative emotions stored in your body. Here we dive deep into triggers, upsets, and emotional states that keep you in survival mode. Learn how to navigate emotions and release inner child wounds.
We will explore your inner connection with your heart or a higher power. Learn how to access this deep connection and ignite the healer inside you.
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