3 Strategies for Realtors to eliminate Stress about time
In my previous blog and video I shared the struggles I see among realtors regarding time pressure. Here is that video if you missed.Why we want to manage time? Because all we really want is to create Freedom! It might be financial freedom, play time freedom, traveling, etc.Great time management skills means more free time and higher income. Higher income because you will become more productive and a better performer.These are the common struggles I see among my clients who are realtors:- Not enough quality time with family- Feelings that they need always to be working- Poor levels of fitness- Mental overwhelm by taking care of everyone, clients, family, friends.These struggles have to do with poor self-management skills, lack of clarity and poor boundaries. All aspects that affect time and energy. Here are my favorite 3 top strategies to improve your skills:1 - Write and review daily your 90 days goals, stay on track.2 - Develop habits and rituals to prime your body/brain for a successful day, it will inhibit distractions.3 - Take 10 minutes every day BEFORE work to define your 3 high values tasks and start your day working on these tasks.By applying only these 3 strategies you will see a progress on your productivity.Want to learn more and have a personal blueprint of your time? Just click the link below and we will have a strategy session in person or over the phone to design a plan just for you.https://vitalestudio.wufoo.com/forms/z151j9ap14vwvuz/Peace and love, Alex.