How to quit when you are not a quitter?
I had a great conversation with a client today about "when is time to quit" and it inspired me to write this blog.We live in a such era of achievement, the pursuit of happiness and everyone wanting to change the world. I am one of those people actually, I am a high achiever, I practice and embody happiness and I want to change the world. My clients are also achievers, those are the people I choose to work with because they are ready to do the work that takes to be excellent and a high performer. One of the many challenges achievers have is to know when to quit something that is not serving them or their vision.This hits home for me. I remember when I was a young adult my Mom saying to me - "you are just like your father, never finishes anything." Ouch! That hurt because I really did not want to be like my dad, jumping from job to job, entitled and always feeling that nothing was good enough for him. That was not a nice comment.The only reason I am sharing one of my personal stories with you is because these punch lines we get from parents or from any authority in our lives stick inside us, in our brain, in our subconscious mind and we act based on those subconscious beliefs, sometimes without knowing we are being ruled by that belief. I talk a lot about this in my book that is about to be launched, the first chapter is about Awareness.Learning how not to be a quitter is a great skill, I highly recommend it. It seems that we lack some of that in this young culture these days. But, like any quality it also comes with a shadow. That shadow is manifested as doing things that don't serve us much longer than we should, doing something that is no longer helping us to progress and if we don't pause to do some critical thinking and deep feeling, we fall into a routine that can keep us stuck. Let's explore why quitting is hard:- Fear of feeling like we are losers- Worry about what other people will think or say- Lack of awareness- Shame around not trying hard enough- EmbarrassmentFor me, quitting has to be a very thought through process and it should be for everyone. Time to think, talking to others and journaling are fundamental actions that can help you to come to a solution or answer - quit or not to quit?On the second part of this blog I will share 3 powerful psychological tools that can help you to find the answer for you or help someone through this process.Peace and love, Alex.