Tapping into our "super powers" in times of stress

Got Stress? We all do, but there is ONE big difference between the achievers who thrive in stress and the ones who just survive. The ones that thrive in stress stay in their zone of genius no matter what. That is the zone which  we can tap into our super powers like creativity, courage, intuition, strength and more. Being in thriving mode instead of surviving takes daily habits and rituals.Stress is a thought, all begins with our beliefs and perception about a situation. A stressful situation is a threat to many and an opportunity for growth to others.I am an entrepreneur, I run my own business and I work on the growth of my business every day. In my second year owning this business I can say with humility and vulnerability that I had many moments of fear, freeze, self-doubt and overwhelm. I had to develop tools for myself to handle the stress and stay in my power zone, or zone of genius so I could continuously tap into my confidence, courage, creativity and calmness. Not easy when you put hours, sweat, sacrifices and don't see results.  Results happen, but not always when and how we expect. If you are a business leader, a high achiever and/or an entrepreneur this will sound familiar I am sure. Developing habits that keep us in this power zone is a must to achieve and sustain success.As a coach, I solve problems, I help my clients to sustain high performance while maintaining health and happiness, something that most achievers don't believe is possible. It is possible and I am determined to prove this to many achievers. The paradigm that success only comes when you sacrifice your sleep, your fitness and your happiness is old and it does not work! Unless your only definition of success is wealth and you don't value health and happiness.In this 7 minutes video I share 3 habits that keep us in the Zone of Genius during stress.Want to learn more? Contact me for details on my workshops and classes in Energy and Stress management for high achievers.Peace and love, Alex.


How I stepped into a new level of Energy


Quit, don't quit, just not yet?