The Four Pillars of Holistic Health
Movement, Nutrition, Renewal + Contentment
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching differs from other fitness and wellness programs because its goes beyond the realm of the physical to bring balance to all aspects of your life. Together, we will not only address energetic blockages in the body, but also the mind and spirit as well. How? Using your customized regimen, you will make small, sustainable changes that cross four key areas of your life: Movement, Nutrition, Renewal and Contentment. This philosophy is based on the extensive researches of Paul CHEK, founder of the CHEK Institute – CA.
Did you know: the human body is two-thirds liquid? All exercise, regardless of its intensity, stimulates the natural biological pumps that are constantly at work throughout your body. Waking or sleeping, in motion or at rest, your heart is pumping blood to and from your extremities while your diaphragm, abdominals and pelvic floor muscles are working to move blood, oxygen and water through the body, eliminating toxins and keeping your internal systems running at optimum performance.
And, although the human body was designed to move, our modern lives have become surprisingly sedentary. Many of us spend long days in front of a computer and long nights in front of a television. When we don’t move on a regular basis, the body’s pumps can weaken and slow, failing to effectively remove waste. This slowdown can manifest as any number of common physical ailments, including:
- Depression
- Weight gain
- Mood swings
- Lack of energy
- Skin problems
- Under-eye puffiness
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Chronic aches + pains
- Increased risk of disease
Living a holistic lifestyle means balancing your days of working out (energy out) with working in (energy in). Without the balance of quiet energy cultivation, many don’t get the results they are seeking; others end up with chronic injuries in return for their hard work. Over time, the inherent imbalances in this process lead to extra stress in an already stressful life—creating disruption instead of harmony.
Here’s something to think about: despite undeniable advances in nutrition and medicine, the human race is sicker than ever, with food allergies and chronic ailments consistently on the rise. And, while there is no single culprit or cause, it’s interesting to consider how much the human diet has changed in the past century. In just a handful of generations, modern culture has witnessed the rise of genetically modified, highly processed, and factory-farmed foods. Many of us grew up in a time when the scientific world believed that baby formula was healthier than the natural miracle of mother’s milk.
What’s more, “civilized” countries such as the United States have moved away from natural, whole foods, relying instead on a collective diet loaded with sugar, refined carbohydrates, additives and preservatives. The human body is truly an amazing machine, with an innate ability to transform real foods into energy and vitality—but it has yet to adapt to the “advances” of modern chemistry. And, since food regulates our hormones and bodily functions, our culture’s addiction to processed foods has caused a startling disconnect between our bodies and our selves.
Now think about this: did the food you put into your body today deliver steady levels of energy, or did you experience peaks and valleys? Did you have an afternoon crash, or fall prey to cravings for sugar or salt? We all have an innate biological wisdom that works on a cellular level. Every time we eat foods that are not natural, we interfere with this wisdom. It’s important to note that there is no one diet that will work for everyone. But by eating right for your body and your needs, and by paying attention to how the foods you eat were cultivated, you will assure higher levels of energy—and over time, significantly better health.
Signs of Poor Nutrition:
- Strong food cravings
- Nagging chronic illnesses
- Constipation or loose stool
- Headaches or nervous twitches
- Energy and mood high and lows
- Reduced or inconsistent libido
As we work together, the nutrition portion of your HLC regimen will teach you how to eat for your metabolic type and unique biology; to select food types and ratios for optimal physical, emotional and mental performance. Foods that are right for you will give you energy, and will be easy to digest and eliminate. They will provide essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals—helping to regenerate your cells, increase your brain activity, aid in relaxation and healthy sleep patterns.
When most of us think about fitness, the first thing that comes to mind is activity—and indeed, movement is critical to our overall wellbeing. But it’s important to note that for a truly balanced lifestyle, the yang of activity must always be balanced by the yin of tranquility. They are two sides of the same shining coin, both of equal value.
Quiet time enables us to repair our physical, nervous and hormonal systems. Our bodies are designed to sleep 7–8 hours every night, and we are governed by natural rhythms that can be disrupted by too much or too little sleep. These innate patterns, called circadian rhythms, are challenged by late nights at work or play, excess amounts of caffeine, sugar and alcohol, traveling across time zones—or simply by staying up past 10pm, and not allowing ourselves to sleep for eight hours with no interruption. Chronic lack of sleep is more serious than most people think; it causes a hormonal stress response in the body, disrupting our ability to regenerate cells and tissue as we sleep.
Quiet time speaks volumes for health. Though sleep is the best form of renewal and recharge, quiet time can also mean resting, taking a break from your busy your day, reading a good book, taking a bath, listening to music, meditating, and so on. It basically means doing anything that will bring your stress levels down and promote healing and repair in the mind and body.
Everybody wants to be happy—it’s a desire shared by people in every corner of the globe. And yet so few people can say that they are truly content. Why? Because contentment is not a place at which we arrive, or a feeling we conquer. It is a path that we choose with every action; a path of living according to our deepest values. We can live in pure luxury, eat the finest organic foods and sweat with the most sought-after trainer—but if we choose to endure an unhealthy relationship or stay at a job that doesn’t feed our soul, stress will keep us mired in misery.
To live in contentment, we must be in touch with our deepest, most authentic selves. We must ask: What are my core values? Am I in a healthy relationship? Do I like my job? Am I showing up in this world, giving my best every day? If the answer to any of these questions is NO, we must find the courage to initiate change. And, once we find that, we must work to create the change we need. For this process to flow, we need to be healthy—and this will come from eating right, exercising, enjoying quiet time and having a support system.
What’s more: when we don’t live in accordance with our values, the challenges we face are potentially harmful—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. In nearly 20 years in the fitness industry, I have known so many people who look healthy on the outside, but who were profoundly unhealthy (and unhappy) inside. The body does not know the difference between physical, emotional or mental stress; the drama of a deadline at work creates the same fight-or-flight response as being chased by a bear. Long-term activation of this system is the source of many of the illnesses, aches and pains we suffer.