What drives every decision

Do you ever say to yourself - Why did I do that? or That was a stupid decision. Don't bit yourself up, we all have done that, I just did last week by buying wrong tires for my car!Have you heard the expression "buyers remorse"?Who is in charge of making decisions every day? Our EMOTIONS. We decide based on an emotional need that we have, sometimes consciously, sometimes subconsciously. Sometimes the decision is the best, it serves a purpose and makes us feel good. Sometimes not so good. Our emotions are not always right. If we act from an emotional state from the past, most likely we might make a mistake because those emotions can be self-doubt, shame, fear. When we anchor our emotions to the present moment and connect with a purpose, a future,  we most likely make the right decisions.Are you in charge of your emotions or they are in charge of you? Are you making choices that serve you, serve others and a purpose? If not, you might be stuck or moving in circles. That gives away the feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and stress - you start feeling out of control. Does it sound familiar? If not you, someone you know?I used to be very emotional, is that a bad thing? I need to give you more info so you can have an insight. Just emotional means nothing. But if I say I was emotional acting out of my fears and doubts, now you have what you need. That is not a healthy emotional state. Today I am still emotional, but I operate from emotions of joy, gratitude, inspiration, and vitality.  That is what I want for everyone, to learn how to harness their emotions so they get energized, inspired and creative. I want to help more people. I am seeing incredible results from this work. Clients words:"I feel alive", "I am happier", " I have more energy", " I am inspired to create my next chapter", "My relationship with my wife is much better".These words feed my soul. I want to help more people to have their breakthroughs. Do you know anyone who can benefit from having more energy, more clarity, and more inspiration? Give them a gift, a gift of a session with me. Tell them is your gift to them, and please share my blogs, my videos with them so they get familiar with my language and my work. Encourage them to have a conversation, show them there is a better way. A way that is empowering, inspiring and healthy.  I am giving you a $250 gift! Take it. Maybe for yourself? If not, help a friend and help me to reach out to more people. I need you.My clients achieved that in no more than 2 sessions, one month! Changes can be instant when you combine desire, commitment, and the right strategies. I simply taught them how to define their goals, implement few new habits and shift their emotional state. You can learn that as well, it is super powerful. I am not saying this to brag, just to show you that changes don't have to be hard either take a long time.If not this time, no problem. Thank you anyway for reading my posts, watching my videos, following me on social media. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, I post great quotes and videos every day.Want to learn more about my work and how I can help? Email me right now, or call me at 303 818 7955 for a 15 minutes chat. Don't wait. Don't get on your head!!Love and peace, Alex.


Making more money is not about working harder


One thing you must manage