Are you carrying someone's else stress?
"It is not your inventory". I heard that expression either from Elizabeth Gilbert or Marianne Williamson, I can't recall.
- Why are you worrying about someone else stress?
- Why do you care so much about what other people think?
- Why someone's actions bother you so much?
How many times do we add stressors into our lives that are not ours? This is why I like the word inventory, don't carry it if it is not yours.We all want more energy, more peace of mind, have a fitter body and sleep better, and at the same time, we don't want to let go our believes that are causing energy drain, stress load, belly fat and poor sleep.This is why on my "Stress that Fuels Success" work shop, I spend 80% of the time educating my students about Mindset and Beliefs systems. Our assumptions and perceptions can give us peace or can give us hell, it is our choice. Did you hear that? It is our CHOICE. Do you know how much power you really have? When you open your mind to potential and possibilities, your world changes. You start looking at things without so much judgment and with more understanding and acceptance. That is empowering.I am not asking you to be Pollyanna and just accept all and say "it is all good". I also not saying that learning how to manage your energy, your thoughts and your stress will create a life filled with only roses. I am saying that when you manage your resources, choose your thinking and choose your responses to stress, life becomes lighter, more empowering, more interesting, healthier and more joyful.Let's have an intimated workshop where we will have great discussions about what the real causes of stress are and how 90% of feeling stressed out is coming from our emotional and psychological state.
WHEN: June 10th - 10am to 4pm.
Where: Vitalé Studio
Investment: $ 389 by May 25th
Pay only $314 if you register by May 25th
Bonus when you register early:
- One strategy session with me ($200 value)
- A copy of my "soon to be published book" about mental fitness
- Vitalé T-shirt.
- Access to 10 coaching videos ($100 value. More than 90 minutes of material)
Oh wait, you can't come? But still want to learn the strategies I am teaching? I am recording and maybe even live streaming the whole thing. Stay tuned for details.I hope to see you, there are only 12 seats available.Email me right now to take advantage of the price and all the bonuses. Just say: I AM IN.Peace and love, Alex .