Strengthen Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Fitness.
Hello friends,I hope you are recovering from the busy Holiday time and are thriving in this new year.I have some very exciting news I want to share with you.As you know, I’m a big believer in self-reflection. After evaluating 2018 I had a major revelation. My most fulfilling work last year was with my clients with whom I worked on addressing their complete fitness and quality of life. Those clients saw the biggest gains in health and fitness, the largest improvements in their personal and professional lives and the biggest reduction in stress. In short, these VIP clients gained the most and as a result, my sense of purpose and personal satisfaction skyrocketed.To build on what I have learned, I am expanding my VIP Client program and offering a few select people the opportunity to take their personal journey to a new level.What is the VIP program? It starts with a full and very honest life assessment of health, performance, happiness and purpose. Together we will spend some very meaningful time gaining clarity on where you are and where you want to go. Together we will form clarity from the clutter and define your vision, goals and aspirations for 2019.We will lean in straight away working to restore your health and energy because these are the pillars of any successful effort. I will help you look candidly at your mindset, breath, nutrition, exercise and recovery programs. From there I will take the guess work out of areas for improvement as I create an easy to follow program to start building a lasting foundation of health and high performance.From there, we will dive deeper into your personal values and goals so we can, together create a plan to help you achieve and enjoy on a level you have only imagined. Health, happiness and true success are only possible when the life lived is fully congruent with our vision and purpose.We will meet in person twice a week. Initially we will spend about 50% of the time discussing your habits and goals and about 50% of the time moving your body for optimal health and physical fitness. I will develop your personalized training program to fit your life. My emphasis with every VIP client is to design a program around activities you love and that can be woven into your busy daily life. If our work isn’t fun and rewarding or if it doesn’t become habit and a part of your daily experience there is no point.We will continue to build on the foundations we establish upfront and continuously revisit your goals, progress and make sure you are making the progress you dream of. At all times, our work together is focused entirely on your complete health – that is your physical and emotional well being, your happiness and fitness.Is my VIP program for you? This program is for anyone who is fully committed to stepping up and taking responsibility for their health, happiness and success. My job is to take it from there and guide you on this most important journey. I will meet with you where you are or host you at my studio in Boulder. The programs I design for you will be clear, simple and always easy to follow. The results and confidence you will gain will be unmistakable. I cannot wait to get to work with you!Because of the investment we both make on the front end, I require my VIP clients make at least a 6-month commitment to working together before we begin. I want you to feel the results, to see the results and I want you to succeed in every way.If this is your year to take control of your health, happiness and to give up the stress and feelings of being tired, overwhelmed, confused or unsure of to even start, email me or call today.I only have 4 VIP Client openings available at this time, so if you are serious about your future, call me today and let’s sit down, make sure this is the right fit for you, and set up a time to begin!Contact me at (303) 818-7955 or reply to this email to schedule a time to talk about it."Alex has helped me make my overall heath and well-being priority, which in turn has generated more energy and success in all aspects of my life -- personal, family and business." - Adam Edelman Peace and love, Alex.