Closing the Gap of Lack

I am abundant

“I am an abundant Being”.

Closing the Gap of Lack

“You lack nothing.”

That's right. You lack nothing—there is no lack of love, abundance, or resources within you.

You might think, How is that possible when I don’t have enough money for bills, feel alone, or am exhausted with no energy to change or create anything?

Let’s explore who is perceiving this lack in your life. Is it you? Your mind? Your beliefs? Is it the meanings you attach to everything?

It’s our body-mind system that perceives lack—this great illusion that tells us there isn’t enough. This started in childhood when we lost touch with our essence and authenticity, shaped by parents who, themselves, were caught in the illusion. We believed we weren’t enough, and this strengthened the ego within us.

The ego is nothing more than the body-mind aspect, the part of us that believes we are just a body and nothing more. This aspect lives in a state of survival, protection, and fear of loss. Without awareness, we might structure our entire lives around this limitation. Everything we do becomes about safety, protection, and defense—in other words, FEAR.

It makes sense since the body is fragile. Like a house built of straw on sandy ground, a strong wind could knock it down. It wouldn’t matter how many locks or bars you put on the doors and windows—the house lacks the foundation to withstand the storm.

Yet this is how most of us live. We hustle to make money, pursue relationships, and chase status and titles, believing they will provide the safety and certainty we need to finally experience peace and happiness.

But how many more celebrities and billionaires must fall for us to see that this model isn’t working? How much more anxiety and depression must we feel or witness in our loved ones before we realize this path is flawed?

We are lacking only one thing: our true foundation—Truth.

Truth with a capital “T” because it is the only constant, the only reality, unchanging and eternal. It is the solid rock, the anchor that keeps our house standing in any storm.

Where do we find this Truth? It’s within your Spirit. Your Spirit is the only Truth because it is eternal, pure, innocent—Love. It is the part of you that is perfect, made by the same Light, the same energy that created everything.

I can’t convince you of this Truth. Through these words, I hope to spark your curiosity so you’ll search for it yourself. Maybe you already embody this Truth, and these words simply bring comfort. Whatever the case, I want to help people realize who they truly are.

You are not your body, thoughts, titles, or possessions. You are a magnificent Spirit, passing through this physical world we call Earth.

I have seen too much evidence of this Truth—not only through my healing with plant medicines or in deep meditations where I connect with Source energy, but also in science. Quantum physics shows us that what we perceive is a very limited version of reality.

So, how does this help us close the gap of lack?

Once we realize that it is only the ego—the small, separated self—that perceives lack, everything changes. What happens if you start seeing from your higher Self, from Spirit? Would you still perceive lack?

Think of a wave in the ocean, believing it is separate. When it wakes up, it realizes *I am the ocean*! This is us.

As we awaken from this dream of separation, we begin to experience life differently. We start living from the magnificence of our Spirit. As the illusions of separation dissolve, body and Spirit become One. This is the foundation, safety, and certainty we search for so desperately outside of ourselves.

A life lived in separation is a life lived in fear. And this fear drives us to overwork, overeat, binge on TV, or engage in other addictive behaviors—all attempts to soothe a body-mind that cannot find peace or lasting happiness.

We close the gap of pain and suffering when we realize who we truly are. It’s a journey worth taking.

In my next blog: How do we begin or deepen this journey?

Peace and blessings,



You are not lazy, you are exhausted.


Let It Go and Start Living