Blog Alessandra Gil Blog Alessandra Gil

Why is it hard to let go of anxiety? Part 2.

Anxiety is a state of alarm in the body, a constant state of vigilance, for those who struggle with chronic anxiety. You may experience that by spending a lot of time worrying, predicting, preparing for the worse to come. In other words, you have the need to control in order to avoid uncertainty.

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Why is it hard to let go of anxiety? Part 1.

Anxiety is a protector, and who wants to let go a protector that helped us survive in childhood and even in our adult life? A protector that makes sure we don’t get hurt, don’t feel pain or experience deep disappointment. So we worry, we overthink, we over analyze. Anxiety is also a “friend” that pushes you to work hard, to hustle and achieve more. And achievement has become a big part of your life perhaps.

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What I learned from few breakdowns and the Law of Attraction ( The part that no one really tells you )

The Law of Attraction says “when we want to manifest our desires all we need to do is to focus on the goal, embody the emotions, act as if, and boom! We manifest through the law of attraction.” So the numerous times that the law didn’t work meant I must be flawed, something must be wrong with me - I thought. It this is a law, it should always work right?

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Who is there? (in my head)

Last night I was reading a book, trying to focus on the content. Trying because there was something distracting me. The distraction was this automatic voice in my head feeding me with messages that were not empowering and positive. Sometimes a voice in our head is a message from intuition, an insight. This voice was not that. This is the voice of the critic - the judge that we all have inside us.

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I will meet you in the valley

Meet me in the valley. Meet me in the space in between two opposing ideas, beliefs. Meet in the place where we connect with our hearts and spirit, which are independent of race, backgrounds, past doings, beliefs, values, health status and religions.

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High Performance is about doing less

If you are an athlete or a fitness enthusiast who knows physiology, you have heard from a trainer/coach that you actually get stronger, faster, better when you recover, not when you train. When we work out hard, we stress the body, we impose intentional demands on the body in order to get stronger, have more endurance and more power. In work-life performance, the law is the same. The issue is that most high achievers do not follow this law.

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Surrender is Power

True power, I am learning every day is through Surrender, Stillness and Sovereignty. It helped many of us to get clarity in life, clarity about who we want to be, what we want to do and no longer do and no longer be. This process is not easy. Transformation is tough and messy at times. It involves love, courage and tremendous trust and surrender.

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Spiritual Atrophy

The more we live from our ego, the more spiritual atrophy we develop. We feel disconnected, alone, anxious, depressed, out of balance and start to believe that there is something really wrong with the world. We become negative, we lose hope.

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What is Life offering you?

If we approach each day as life is always working for us, we can see life as a teacher. Things are in constant movement like nature and the suffering comes when we want things to stay the same, so we can feel secure, which is an illusion. That is an ego's need. Our spirit always feels safe and secure and we access that feeling by connecting with our deep heart. Suffering comes when we don’t accept conditions or people as they are and/or when we disconnect from our hearts - our spirit.

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Stop working so hard and do the "hard work"

We glorify “busyness”, we enjoy the high pace, the cortisol, the adrenaline rush of achievement. So much so that once we achieve a goal, few minutes later we are searching for the next great achievement and the next and the next…That leaves very little time for self-care, hobbies, family, play time, chilling out, to just appreciate a Sunset…threre is little time, or no time, for simple joy.

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The hidden pain of achievers

As high achievers our intention from the beginning of our journey was clear, honorable, connected with a great cause...we are driven, motivated, disciplined, fearless in a lot of ways and at some point in time, somewhere we get lost...anxiety and struggle become the quiet energies running through us.

It is not enough. That is what is underneath our voices, that judger that we achievers have inside. That is our pain.

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Embrace your shadow, it will guide you to your Heart.

Do you wake up at times confused, in a fog asking "Who Am I?", "What Am I doing?", "Do I still believe in this...?" If YES, good, you are a seeker, you are curious and you are courageous.

Asking those questions and staying there with the question without distracting, running away is for the warrior, because not having an answer or even harder

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Dealing with my F.O.M.O

I did not know what FOMO was until few years ago when I was coaching someone younger than me. She described her stress and anxiety as FOMO. I did not make much out it.

It was not until last year, during a session with my teacher/mentor that this came up. I realized that my need to always do, achieve more, being busy was coming from that childhood fear and it was not working for me or my success. That fear was that Life was passing by every day and I was "stuck" in a room, doing nothing important or fun.

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"Veto" your own narratives from the past.

After coaching consistently for 8 years and studying psychology and what brings us happiness obsessively, I realized that the core of human suffering is the false belief that "I am not good enough and never will be."

Why is that? That no matter what many of us accomplish, achieve or others tell us that we are great, we still feel " I am no good".

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