The Body Can Not Be Healed Because the Body Isn’t Sick
The body isn’t sick, the mind is.
“Healing is letting go of fear.”
What is healing? One thing that I ponder every day, which truly triggers my deep curiosity, is why so few devote their time and energy to healing. So many start the journey and either don’t heal or simply give it up.
So what does healing really mean? You may think of a disease in the body that no longer exists, or childhood trauma that no longer causes you anger or pain.
We can agree that healing is a process of creating freedom from pain, physical, mental, and emotional. Here are some of my short definitions of healing:
Healing is the return to wholeness.
Healing is remembering our essence and innocence.
Healing is letting go of the past.
Healing is letting go of fear.
Healing is the release of our guilt.
Healing is the release of our grievances.
Healing is letting go of what we are not.
Healing is letting go of our attachments to the ego.
As you can see, healing is an invisible force, an energy that heals the body.
Therefore, we cannot heal the body; we heal the mind because it is not the body that gets sick, it is the mind.
“The body needs no healing. But the mind that thinks it is a body is sick indeed.” A Course in Miracles.
This teaching aligns with every study I have done so far about healing. It aligns with quantum physics, ancient philosophies in medicine, and Universal Laws of Creation.
If you talk to people who have had spontaneous healings from cancer, tumors, autoimmune diseases, and so on, they will share that what healed them was their decision to let go of anger, guilt, and limiting beliefs of low self-worth and not being enough.
These days, the utilization of plant medicines for healing is growing. How do they work? How do they heal us? I don’t know chemically how; there are many books now about these medicines which you can research. But I warn you, even with all the research, there is still a place for the mystery that many scientists cannot explain. Because what heals us is Love.
We heal in medicine journeys because we let go of our baggage, we let go of that guilt, the shame, and we realize how much Love there is within us and how much Love created us.
There is a deep shift of perception during these experiences when we are in an altered state and a shift of perception is all we need to heal; it is the miracle. Because when we change the way we see the world, everything changes. It is that simple and yet, our ego minds cannot accept the simplicity, so we complicate the process.
I have healed debilitating low back pain, I have healed severe allergies. When I healed these ailments, I didn’t know what I know now; however, I have always known about psychosomatics. That everything is connected.
There is so much science now that proves to us over and over that we have the power to heal our bodies.
“Perception is a choice of what you want yourself to be; the world you want to live in, and the state in which your mind will be content and satisfied.” A Course in Miracles.
If a shift of perception is the miracle, it begets the question:
“What is the perception that is creating this dis-ease in the body?”
We all know about the Law of Cause and Effect. In the healing journey, we must accept the truth that we are at Cause. This does not imply guilt; it implies the power of responsibility.
Being at Cause means that you release all your grievances of anyone and take responsibility for your mind. We no longer blame anyone or anything. At Cause, we look exclusively at our thoughts and beliefs. It is a path of courage and compassion.
How powerful we are!! We have the power to create dis-ease and the power to heal.
I trust that you are curious about healing, the possibilities of deep transformation that are available for you.
For this process, you need true Desire, you need new Decisions, you need Discipline in your actions, and you need Devotion to Love.
I have learned that healing is a deep Spiritual path, as I shared here; it is our return to our essence - to Love.
How Do We Start?
Be 100% at Cause. Adopt the Truth that you are not designed to be sick, you are designed to be Healthy.
Accept the Law that you are not your body, you have a body and that healing happens on an energetic level, it is an invisible force.
Grab a journal and reflect on what you have been holding in your mind that is negative, and what thoughts are creating separation. For example, where are you judging yourself and others?
Get curious about the negativity in your mind. That is the beginning.
Are you deeply committed to letting go of what is not you and what does not serve you or anyone?
Check your Desire levels, your current agreements with your own beliefs. Be willing to make new Decisions about what you want to manifest and focus on. Create Disciplines that will help to energize you and the fire of your Soul. Devote time and energy to Spiritual studies, connect with Universal Love, and learn about your own power to shift your perceptions and heal.
This is just a map and words of hope and empowerment. It is an invitation to Heaven on Earth. Heaven or Hell are states of consciousness, not places. When we live in separation, which is manifested in the form of anxiety, depression, and dis-ease, we are in hell. When we live in a state of Oneness, Love, and Joy, we are in Heaven.
I can’t say I am always there. I can say though that it gets better every day as I release fear and any grievances. It is daily work, daily devotion to Love.
Blessings on your journey, Alex.
P.S.: If you are interested in learning more about my work and how I help my clients to break free from fear and heal, book a session by contacting me, Your first session is only $97.