Ending the Fear of Hurt
“Love is Truth. Truth is Love.” A. H. Almaas
In this past few weeks I have put a lot of time reflecting on FREEDOM.
Freedom—the pillar of a fulfilling life—is of the highest importance to me, and I believe it resonates deeply with most, if not all individuals.
We yearn for the freedom to be our authentic selves, to experience love in its purest form, and to align our thoughts and actions with our core values. We desire the freedom of expression, allowing us to pursue our passions and make that our daily calling - a career.
I call this the liberation of our heart and mind.
What gets in the way of our inner freedom? Fear.
Fear keeps our hearts and minds hostage, shackled and stuck. Fear prevents us from living our highest potential and a life that isn’t lived fully is a life of suffering and sometimes despair.
Emotional healing and spiritual growth are the tools that address the obstacles that prevent us from fully liberating our hearts and living the values that define a meaningful life.
Freedom, love, joy, vitality are our natural states. We need to restore these states back. We forgot who we are.
We are Love, that is our core, our essence. It's the driving force behind our pursuits, our purpose. We want freedom to live a life of Love, and yet we fear love. Well, actually we don’t fear love, we fear the hurt that can come with love.
We fear being hurt because in our early years love was associated with pain, disappointment, hurt. We deeply fear being hurt.
As a devotee of Love, my role, when engaged by a client, is to guide them toward identifying and dismantling the barriers that obstruct their ability to feel, embody, and live a life filled with love.
These barriers are our old unresolved wounds, our undisciplined mind that puts attention in what we don’t want and our beliefs in our self-imposed limitations.
We have been living under the programs of fear.
How can we embark on this transformative journey?
We must confront our fears directly and dismantle their constructs—beliefs, associations, and interpretations. This complicated process lies at the heart of my upcoming 6-week Master Class Online. I will make the complicated simple for you.
Because fear is a broad and complex subject, I will be teaching this first module on one of the major fears of all:
Fear of being hurt.
Our list of fears may include the fear of loss, failure, rejection, and abandonment.
What is underneath those fears, if we go deeper? Fear of pain and hurt.
What if I tell you that in your true self, in your highest self, you can’t get hurt? Bear with me…
So, what causes hurt? We've all experienced emotional pain, heartache, and discomfort. This pain is real.
The hurt stems from our personalities, expectations, beliefs, stories, and interpretations. The wounded inner child within us cries out in pain. Our wounds ache.
What would be like to end the fear of getting hurt?
I know this is a bold statement.
I am not saying here that we won’t hurt anymore. We will get hurt because we get attached, it is part of our Human journey.
I am claiming here that we can end the FEAR OF BEING HURT.
Who would you be without that fear?
Would you pursue that job? Initiate that business venture? Set boundaries with family? Express your love openly? Allow yourself to be vulnerable with your partner? Fall in love? Leave a relationship?
Would you live your life with outrageous courage?
Living behind walls of protection does not allow for a full life. We must choose: growth and evolution or self-imposed limitations.
I am committed to teaching the process of dissolving the fear of being hurt. This process will unlock the hidden courage within you, granting you the power to focus on your desires with fearlessness.
JOIN ME for this brand new Master Class. This whole class was a download I had in the past week and it is meant to be shared.
We will only have freedom if we break away from the programs of fear. We have to do the work. We have to de-program our minds if we want to see a different and a better world.
Join me for the new and first module of this 6-week journey. Discover how to dismantle the fear of being hurt, liberate your heart to love fully, and embody the purest form of Source—Love.
First class starts September 7th - every THU at 12pm MST, 11 am PT, 2 pm EST.
All classes will be recorded, so you will have full access at your own time if you miss it.
Each session will last 60 minutes, followed by a Q&A segment (15min). I will guide volunteers through the process of healing fear in real time.
Secure your spot now to access 6 weeks of live interaction, recordings, enriching practices, and daily email support. The early bird rate is $288 if paid by August 31st, and $325 thereafter.
The value of this course exceeds its cost. My intention is to make it accessible to all.
If you want to attend take this course and you are having financial challenges, please contact me and we will make it work for you.
REGISTER by sending an email to Alex@alexgilcoaching.com You will receive a video and a link to payment.
With love an courage, Alex.